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SINCE 1958
Guizhou Tyre Co., Ltd., formerly known as Guizhou Tyre Factory, was founded in 1958 and merged with the internally relocated division of Shanghai Ta Chung Hua Rubber Factory in 1965. In 1996, it was restructured into a listed company. The stock was listed on the main board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange of China, with stock code as "000589” and stock abbreviation as “Guizhou Tyre A”. It is one of the national large-scale enterprises and one of OTR tire production and export bases in China.

Guizhou Tyre mainly produces truck/passenger car tire, OTR tire, agricultural machinery tire, forestry machinery tire, industrial vehicle tire, mining tire, solid tire and special tire of "Advance", "Samson", "Tornado", "Chinhoo" and "Jingang" brands. With more than 3,000 specifications and models, Guizhou Tyre is one of the tire manufacturers with relatively complete specifications and models in China.

TOP 36
Ranked 36th among the global tire manufacturers
Enterprise Scale
At the end of 2017, the total assets were RMB 9.715 billion and the net assets were RMB 3.328 billion; the old factory covers an area of about 535 mu, and the new factory in Zhazuo Town covers an area of 2,300 mu; there are more than 7,000 registered employees, including more than 1,000 professional and technical personnel, and more than 2,000 employees with bachelor degree or above. In 2017, it was ranked 28th among the top 75 global tire manufacturers.
R & D strength
Guizhou Tyre has established enterprise technology center, post-doctoral research center and green high-performance tire engineering and technological research center, and was awarded the honorary title of High-tech Enterprise in October 2015. As of the end of 2017, it has obtained a total of 133 authorized patents which are valid, and organized or participated in the preparation of more than 20 national and industry relevant standards, and developed a number of national key new products such as a full range of urban light rail tire in recent years.
Process equipment
Process equipment is at a higher level in the same industry.
Process equipment
Guizhou Type has used a batch of domestically advanced rubber equipment while introducing production equipment from developed countries, so its process equipment is at a higher level in the same industry in China.
Quality control
It has passed the certification of ISO9001 quality system, China Compulsory Certification (CCC) of tire products, the certification of ISO/IATF16949 automotive quality management system, the metrological testing system certification, the safety mark certification of the U.S. Department of Transportation, the E-mark certification of the European Community, and the certification of measurement management system and military product quality system.
Strive for excellence and lead the future
Strive for excellence and lead the future
Guizhou Tyre Co., Ltd. has established a complete market network system. Its products are sold well in the domestic market, but also exported to more than 120 countries and regions such as Britain, Italy, South Africa and South America. The annual export volume accounts for more than 30% of total sales.