
GL299D GL296A GL293A
Group Brands
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In the spring of 1958, the first "Advance" tire was produced in Guizhou, where is a place with green charm. Since then, a resounding name "Advance" accompanied by the development of Guizhou tire enterprises, and walked out of Guizhou to the other areas of China, the oceans and the world!

"Advance" tire is a brand of a full range of products of Guizhou Tyre Co., Ltd. It was registered in March 1983. In January 1998, it was confirmed as a “Guizhou Famous Brand” product in 1997. In January 2001, it was again identified as a “Guizhou Famous Brand” product, awarded the “Guiyang Famous Brand Product” title, and won the "2000 Guiyang Product Quality Prize" awarded by the municipal government. In August 2001, it was included the third batch of “Key Supported & Developed Brand-Name Export Commodities” by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic cooperation, PRC. In November 2003, it was promoted as "China's Top Ten Tire National Brands". In September 2004, the all-steel radial tire of "Advance" brand was awarded the title of “China Famous Brand”. In October 2004, the series tire of "Advance" brand was awarded the title of "Guizhou Famous-Brand Product in 2004". In October 2004, the all-steel radial tires of "Advance", "Tornado" and "Chinhoo" brands were rated as “Guiyang Famous-Brand Products”. In June 2007, the “Advance” brand and its pictorial trademark were recognized as a famous trademark in Guizhou Province. In September 2007, the truck radial tire of "Advance" brand continued to win the title of "Famous-Brand Products in China". In October 2007, the tire of "Advance" brand was awarded the "Guizhou Famous-Brand Product in 2007". In October 2010, the “Advance” trademark was recognized as “China Famous Trademark” by the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry & Commerce of PRC. In February 2011, “Advance” brand and its pictorial trademark won the Intellectual Property Award of “China Famous Brand” in Guizhou Province. In November 2011, the all-steel radial tire and bias tire of “Advance” brand were confirmed as the “Guizhou Famous-Brand Product” in 2011. In November 2012, “Advance” brand was successfully nominated as Top Ten Brands in the campaign of Tire Top Ten Brands in China in 2012. In December 2012, “Advance” tire, the well-known trademark and famous-brand product in China, was rated as one of Top 100 Independent & Innovative Brands in Guizhou. In January 2013, “Advance” tire was awarded the title of “First Brand of Tire Industry in Guizhou Province” and “Top 100 Independent & Innovative Brands in Guizhou”. In November 2013, "Advance" brand was confirmed as "Guizhou Famous Trademark" by Guizhou Administration for Industry and Commerce.

Continuous innovation and breakthrough are made for "Advance" tire to meet the consumers' quality requirements for tire comfort, safety and durability with a perfect balance of all-round performance, providing consumers with a safe and comfortable driving experience. Advance Tire makes the transportation on wheels safer.


2017 - FUTURE International Development


1996 - 2017 Reorganization and Listing


1978 - 1996 Reform and Opening-up


1958-1978 Startup with painstaking efforts